I was trying to sit down and explain to my computer whiz, why it was taking so long to put the next blog up on my site.
It's the restaurant biz I blog about.
The under story here today is that we are getting ready to setup for a GREEN Fair // a renewable, sustainable kind of GREEN thinking festival downtown in our little burg. We are serving food there. So all utensils, cups, plates, napkins, yada, yada, yada, have to be recyclable.
So the day has begun by gathering all the bric a brac together that it will take to do the deal.
A delivery truck shows and amongst the bags of sugar, cases of tomato paste, containers of spices, baking flour, cooking oil, etc., there is supposed to be all of my biodegradable goodies for the show.
Got plates, don't got cups, got paper towels, don't got flatware. It goes on like this for a while till I decide to go sit down at the keyboard to explain what's keeping me from blogging.
As I walk across the parking lot to sit down at this keyboard, I am interrupted by 'mr. telephone man' (that's the name of his company) – he is hard wiring our point of sale system, which to this point has been wireless, BUT – the point of sale company (who shall remain nameless) has indicated that our little lapse in a properly working system is due to our wireless connection, thus mr. telephone man and his observation about the difficulty of putting in a hardwire system. Something about going over a rock-wall and under the sidewalk, and “It's gonna take a little longer and probably cost a few more bucks, and I'm not sure if this is gonna solve your problem or not, but hey, I'm not the POS guys!”
Oh yeah, I forgot, the POS guys say they can't fulfill our maintenance contract with you cause of your wireless connection. Gotta be hardwired, even though at some point in our multi-year relationship, SOMEBODY in the POS company indicated wireless should work OK.
Me: “Well, Don (tele.man) how much is this gonna cost?”
Don: “Are we talkin' about before I found out what was under the sidewalk or now?”
Me: “What did you quote me when we started this last week?”
Don: “Ya know I believe it was about $200. less than it's gonna be now.”
As my face screws itself into a knot and Don grins and pulls his gimme hat down tight over his eyes, I am interrupted by the maintenance guy who has been trying to turn off the water to the building cause we have a small 'niagara falls' kind of leak in the kitchen by the stove. I notice he's red-faced and shaking his arms wildly and cussing only the way you can in the restaurant biz -
“I can't turn the (just use your imagination) water off cause of all the (imagination again) fire ants clogging the valve up!”
I say, “Since the water's still on, get a hose and blast em!”
He stands there holding out his arms and really getting creative with the english language, turns and heads back to the ants, valve and hose. I don't see him again for a while.
I turn back to Don and he has another question, “Since you are gonna need room in the conduit for several lines (I need several lines for another reason – hold that thought) I think your gonna have to spring for the upgrade over the initial estimate. I stare blankly and my head moves up and down understanding the sound of '$cha-ching$!!' way better than I want to.
I hear tires on the gravel driveway and turn to see Detective Weidermeyer pulling up. A gent that until last weekend I had never met (are you still holding that thought about another line).
We got burgled last weekend. Some kids got into our patio liquor cabinet and partied very hard.
One of the results' of the liquor raid is that I want a proper security camera to watch the bar (there's the other line that needs to go thru the conduit). Detective Weidermeyer sez, “Just a coupla questions”.
I'm thinking about the explanation to my 'techy' and not being able to sit down at the keyboard again.
We discuss the ins and outs of the criminal mind and my coming down to press charges, and it'll only take a minute (once they have time to see me - I still have to go down there, put my name on a list and sit till I am called). It's like standing at the meat counter and taking a ticket - - you know, I've taken no.75 and they are serving no.16.
So I'm dickering with him about when I can get down there and he's whipping out a calendar and trying to lock me into a specific day and a specific hour in that day. My blog opportunity is getting fainter with every passing minute.
As I stare into his dog-eared daytimer, I am interrupted, not by telehpone man, not by maintenance man, but the chef who has about a dozen questions about food for the event.
Chef: “What exactly do you want to feed those treehuggers at the hippie fest?”
Me: “I'm not sure right now, but I know a vegetarian menu will probably work pretty good.”
Before I can get more specific about what exactly we will be serving several thousand people, I get a call from the health department. They would like to go over the requirements for the fest. The do's and dont's of it all. You know, where does the bleach bucket go, where does the dish bucket go, where does the rinse water go, where does the handwash bucket go, how cold is the cold food, how hot is the hot food, got rubber gloves? NO, get em, got water test strips, NO, get em. The questions just go on and on and on - - - Until I am saved by another problem.
My accountant calls to ask if I made my quarterly tax payment. I have no clue – my manager does this and today is her day off.
He sez, “Ya might want to take care of that! You know how the IRS is.” I shutter and agree. My mind conjures jackbooted, thin haired, steely eyed agents – saying “Theese will not go goot for you if you haf not made the proper arrangements to comply!!!”
I stare longingly across the parking lot to my office wherein sits my idle keyboard waiting for the excuse to my 'techy' bout my lack of blogs.
My eyes glaze over as ant man (maintenance guy) tells me he finally got the water off and Don (telephone man) walks up to me using his own version of (use your imagination language) because he needs the water on to put pressure on the pipe under the sidewalk so it can exit the other side and as continues his explanation i find myself slipping away.
I'll try to get to the keyboard another time.